Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 26: Admitting Fear

I'm writing this alone in my living room on Wednesday night, the eve of a day full of excitement. I'm terrified.

I am seriously terrified and I could name off approximately a million reasons why. I won't. I'll save you that. This fear thing isn't easy to shake. Forgive me if I've led you to believe that it is. Nope, I'll be the first to say that it clings like a thick cobweb. You know, the one that you ran into without even seeing it and you just can't seem to get it unglued from your face. Yeah, that is fear.

I'm trying to write a post about overcoming fear and well...I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of what you will think of me for being so caught up in fear.
I'm afraid that somewhere between Charlotte, NC and Harrisburg, NC our plane will sputter.
I'm afraid that my baby girl will scream and her ears will pound every second of the flight.
I'm afraid that I won't get to live long enough to watch babies grow to be wiser than me. 
I'm scared of sleeping in my bed husband-less again tonight (he's on a business trip).
I'm scared of getting up on stage on Friday night, heart thumping, and reading heart words out loud.

I'm scared...scared...scared...

You see, I'm weak. I'm so weak, but He says that His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Jesus calls the weak poor in spirit. He says we get heaven. We get Him.

I know this is heavy stuff. I also know that some of you are walking under a silent heavy load of fear. Write it down. Spill it down in ink in a journal. Start a private blog. Tell your spouse. Climb a mountain and scream it out at the top of your lungs.

Admit that you are afraid. 

Claim the name of Jesus and claim yourself to be poor in spirit. The way up is down and a bent knee is a surrendered heart. We can't begin to snuff out fear in our life if we can't be honest about the places that it dwells.

I'm walking this road with you and praise be to God, so is Jesus!

 Tomorrow: Day 27: Sharing the Load

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