Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 21: Talk to Yourself

That voice in your head that tells you that it's too hard, too scary, too likely to fail...
That voice that tells you that He can't love that big, reach that far, or forgive that great...
The voice that hisses you're alone, without hope, beyond His grasp....

Tell it to shut the $#%@ up.

Yeah, I went there.

I went there because that voice is the father of lies. If you struggle with fear then you know that voice. That one that creeps in and whispers fear into every crack of your life. It keep us living small lives and should be told in no uncertain to be quiet.

If we don't talk to ourselves and repeat to ourselves words of life then fear and it's words of death will speak to our hearts. Our hearts are always listening to something and that something brings fruit; good or bad.

Jesus was the Word. We call Scripture the Word of God. Words matter. What we say matters. The father of lies knows that and he loves to speak words of fear to our hearts. Jesus loves to speak words of comfort and courage to our hearts:

 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. {Romans 8:37}

A life full of His word, music that reminds us of His word and books and good writing that remind us of the truth will be a life that is drowning out the voice of fear. This week in the midst of all this fear banishing I was side-swiped by fear. I thought I had it licked...pride...oh, pride...I need prayers and I need the voice of Jesus to be louder than my sin-drenched heart.

I leave you with a song that has lifted my heart from fear...words from the Word...

Tomorrow: Day 22: Kicking Fear Out of Relationships

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