Thursday, October 25, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Voice

I'm over the moon tonight. Why might you ask? Because I am at a real life Five Minute Friday PAR-TAY! Yes, all of us who are FMF gals are getting together at the Allume conference to bring ya'll our 5 minutes together in real life and in real time. I'm giddy. Yep, giddy.

Hugs from afar to all the folks who aren't able to be here.

Topic: Voice
The irony is killing me. 

I’m sitting here cozied between two women whose names I don’t know, but somehow are still friends. It is community full and free. But I have no voice. I sound more like a Kathleen Turner impersonator and even that is becoming a squeak after a day of travel, baby wrangling and fast conversations with new old friends. 

You’ve heard my voice echoing from the pages of this blog. Silent words on a screen that speak volumes about who I am.  I hoped to talk to all of you. Speak real words into your hearts face on, but God seems to have other plans. Plans to make me listen more and speak less. 

Isn’t that community though? A two way dance even in real life. Speaking. Listening. Silence. A place where we can be silent and listen…we’ve known each other for awhile and maybe we’re just starting to get to the good parts with the comfortable silences.  I just hoped it wouldn’t be the first time I met you in real life. 

Looks like I truly am a writer because I am having to write it all out even face to face.


Five Minute Friday

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