Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 25: Thanks Living

Fear blinds us to thanks. 

I have come to realize that every single time fear creeps in there is a direct correlation to a lack of thankfulness in my life. Fear makes us believe that we deserve comfort, ease, safety in this life. We fret over the chance that anything that makes our lives comfortable, easy or safe might be taken away. What we fail to realize in those moments is that we have been given grace upon grace. It is all grace. Our lives, each breath is a reason to give thanks. The louder our thanks the quieter the voice of fear.

Thanks, like fear, is a posture of the heart.

In just a few short weeks we (Americans are the "we" in this instance, sorry Canucks) will gather around a table for a day of thanks. It isn't enough to set aside one day out of the year to stuff our faces and murmur a few words of thanks before passing out in a turkey coma. No, that won't send fear cowering. Our lives need to be lived bent under the weight of thanks.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:30)

Our lives are rich but if we live with fear blinders on we will never see this. We will focus on the fear and fail to see God's rich blessings. When the grace we've been given becomes bigger than the fear in our lives we become braver and we begin to fear a bit less...for me this practice has meant a lot less fear.

{Today I fly to Harrisburg, PA for Allume. I'm not a good flier if you'll remember. Prayers, please? I'm flying on a whole lot of prayers and heaps of thanks in my heart.}

Tomorrow: Day 26: Admitting Fear

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