Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 19: The Prayer-Full Life

There isn't a recipe to ending fear...sorry to break it to you, but there are some steps that I've found that have sent fear cowering away. 

When our daughter was about 2 months old the husband and I came down with an AWFUL stomach virus. I'm talking way too gross to go into detail about...with anyone...ever...Before I was aware that I had contracted the disgusting disease I quarantined myself and my little one in our bedroom. From that room I could hear noises that can only be described as inhuman coming from my husband. At times I was praying out loud like the most charismatic t.v. preacher you could imagine. I was calling down angels and casting out demons...Prayer was the only thing I could do...and boy did I do it! 

That is not me at all...I'm into silent prayer and I generally don't cast out demons...In that moment I was frightened. I was scared for my husband and for my baby. I was flooded with fear and my only possible posture was prayer.

Pray continually...what does that mean? What does that look like in real life?

If you deal with fear and are fighting back then I probably don't have to explain this verse to you. A life that is defined by continual prayer is a life that recognizes it's need. When you are full of fear you recognize your finiteness. Prayer sometimes spill over in those moments without you even thinking about it. The problem is that fear is sneaky. If prayer is simply conversing with God then we need to be in constant conversation with Him about the fear in our hearts. Prayer recognizes our own finiteness and glories in God's greatness.

The enemy loses when prayer is our reaction rather than fear.  Prayer should be our reflex to fear. A reflex is something that our body does in response to a stimuli. Fear is the stimuli...Prayer is the reflex. A life full of prayer will indicate that our response to fear is not to fret and distrust God, but rather to admit our need and fall on His sufficiency.

Tomorrow: Day 20: How to Learn to Cook

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