Monday, February 10, 2014

Embrace What Gives You Life

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My soul is quiet for some reason these days.

I have lots that I want to say and lots more that I want to write and string together in words. But lately I've been content to play on the floor with my wee girl and drink cups of tea through the cold winter days.

I used to think that meant living small. I used to think that I wasn't doing something big for God when I am tending to the small, but this year of embrace is teaching me different.

For years I have hoped and hoped that these words of mine would sling themselves far and that someone, anyone, would notice them. A few months ago someone did notice them and it bolstered my hope, but it really didn't change anything.

I read just a week ago about sweet Sarah Mae and her retreat into hiding so that the hidden things of the Spirit can take root. That is a level of "embracing" that I am in awe of. I resonate deeply with her heart. I want to have something to write because I've lived a thousand more God stories. A thousand more stories lived full and unhindered, un-distracted by my self-imposed list of should's.

There are things that I feel called to very strongly- writing is one of those things. I still feel it in my bones that I need to continue to stretch my wings and let the Lord take this gift where He will. But I've been re-thinking how this looks and how it contributes to the life of my family- how it really contributes to giving me life. How does it contribute to making a life?

I think we put a lot of time and energy into things that don't give us life. Let me re-state; I put a lot of time and energy into things that don't give me life. As a birth doula I learned that a woman in labor needs to focus her energies. Worry. Fear. Needless distraction. It doesn't expedite the ultimate goal of labor- literally bringing forth life- in fact those things can hinder that process.

All my busyness. The late night scrawled blog posts, the mindless scrolling through social media, the need to create something that gets seen. It doesn't give me life.

The things that I need to embrace are the things that bring the most life to me and my family. So you're going to see some changes around here.

First, I'm posting anything that I find that gives me life.

Maybe it will be a quote or image. Maybe it will be a long-winded piece of original writing. Maybe it will be a re-vamped archival posts. Maybe it will be a recipe that found me laughing over tea with another struggling mama like myself. Maybe it is something to make you snort with laughter- because golly goodness I need at least one of those kinds of laughs each day. Maybe it is a reminder that my laundry is as high as yours and my coffee went cold before I had a chance to take a sip. Maybe it might be silence for a week or more.

I'm breaking all the blog rules because I only want to do things that contribute to a more focused, joyful, wholehearted life. I really only want one thing; Jesus. I'm taking a Jacob style approach to "embrace" and I'm not letting go until God blesses. Even if it hurts me. Regardless of whether I lose followers or ever get a book deal.

I'm going to be moving soon (in real life and online) to a new space where I can continue to stretch my wings. That move has been a long time coming and it is one that I'm excited and nervous about.

Just one more thing to embrace this year! 

{As I prepare for the move I'd love to have you join the community on my facebook page. I'm going to be asking for your help as I make my move. I want to create a space for myself and for you. So make sure you've "Liked" the page so that can happen, ok?}

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