Friday, January 31, 2014

5 Minute Friday: Hero and Home

I've really been enjoying the dual prompts from Five Minute Friday and The Grove over at Velvet Ashes. I'm gonna give it another go this week. Are you up for joining me? Just set the timer and see what comes out of your pen or keyboard in five minutes!

Here is my 5 minutes on "Hero" and "Home"

She wings her way across the ocean and wonders every second if this is the right thing to do. She wrestles through the night and through her daydreams with the notion that she is irrevocably, undeniably ruining her children's lives.

On the one hand she's excited to see how they'll grow. She's excited to see how their lives will be shaped by this living untethered. But then there is the not fitting in and the invisible sign on their heads when they come home to the States that gives them away as "Third Culture Kids".

She was the girl five generations deep on the same country road. She broke the mold and took flight moving across the country and then clear to the other side of the world. But she still loves to come home and see Ms. Rosa's house and the junk shop on the corner and that place is still home, the place that she feels her roots stretch deeper as the years pass and neighbors pass on.

Her kids won't have those ties. They'll survive off of months at a time with their grandparents followed by years without. If they come back to the States for college where will they spend holidays or long weekends? The questions mount and the fear makes her feel like slipping past the air marshall and risking a cockpit takeover to reverse the situation.

She resists. She white-knuckle grips the armrests. She takes a deep breath. She whispers prayers of peace. She whispers prayers to the God who goes before her in all things. He is making a way. A way home for all of us- even our children.

Heroes aren't always noticed, but sometimes they dot the sky above us. Mamas brave to mother and to risk it all for a world in desperate need.

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