Saturday, February 1, 2014

Occupy Life With Beauty {Weekend Link Love}

A sweet friend and all around inspiring woman posted on Facebook the other night a challenge to fill up the space with art and beauty. #OccupyFacebookWithArt was the hashtag and everyone who liked her post of Dega's ballet dancers were invited to post a piece of art themselves. I got Ansel Adams. One of my favorites as a girl who used to sleep under the stars for weeks on end.

Ansel Adams, Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite Valley 1942

It was a bit silly. I mean the one thing we need more of on Facebook is pictures, right? But here is the thing. I'm just so sick of all the talk bout polar vortexes, and Obama this or that, or how so and so did such and such at the Grammys.

I'm over it. SO OVER IT!

My simple act of posting Ansel Adams' photo of snow clouds clearing from capped mountains felt rebellious and good.

Here are a few links from the week that reminded me that the internet is still a good place to be.

{We need more people to see their work, their lives like this}
 Compassion Bloggers in Uganda 
{The words of the writers in Uganda were supremely moving, heart-wrenching and hopeful. Take the time to give them a read.}
How To Find Your Creativity
{Sarah Markley's words were a gift to me this week. Slow. Turn down the noise. Creativity is found in those places.}
{Que the squeeing for her!}

{Give this little ditty by Switchfoot a listen. Is this the world you want?}
{This is some serious hand-lettered beauty from some of my sweet irl friends.}
{This week was cold. That meant we needed some warm soup. This recipe was really easy and GOOD! I've always struggled to find a good potato soup recipe. This will be my go-to from now on! Enjoy!}

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