Monday, December 9, 2013

The God Who Is With Us

It as about a year ago when my husband and I looked at each other and knew that it was time.

It was time to stop waiting around for something to happen and for our circumstances to change. We made a decision to step out into the unknown and chase a dream and we weren't sure what that would mean.

By April we were moving and raising support to cover all our needs. I remember writing these words with knots in my soul. I confess I wasn't sure that God was going to meet us in the midst of our mess. I was afraid that it would be just that; a mess.

I found myself sounding like a broken record player with trite words ringing "God better show up!" and "We need God to meet us where we are."

But the truth is that God didn't have to show up.

He was already there. He has always been there. 

Emmanuel. God with us.

I'm happy to be sharing the rest of this God-sized story over at my sweet friend Diane Bailey's place. She is doing a whole months worth of posts from folks this Christmas season and was sweet enough to include me in that. Seriously ya'll, go spend some time over at Diane's place. She is as sweet as my grandma's tea and full of such grace and wisdom. I'm blessed she asked me to scatter my words over there today and I would love for you to read! 

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