Friday, December 6, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Reflect and Story

I really enjoyed the challenge from a few weeks ago of combining the prompt from The Grove and the 5 minute Friday prompt. I'm back to do it again this week! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that you're enjoying a bit of calm even in the aftermath of dirty dishes.

This week's prompt at The Grove is "Story". Check out this gorgeous graphic made by none other than my dear friend Amy Davis of Amy Davis Art Design.

Here are my thoughts on "Story" and the 5 Minute Friday prompt "Reflect".

Some days it is like looking into a mirror. The way she curls her nose and squints her deep brown eyes narrow. The way that she bounces like a Mexican jumping bean and all the subtleties that only I notice as her mama.

And there have been many women that have been mirrors in my life. Women who have written on my life parts of their story and who leave me grateful for the way that they reflect Jesus. Grateful for the mirrors of grace that they have put around me when life skews the view.

I've only been left with pictures of my own mama and they are beginning to crinkle and dry with the passing of time. I delicately hold the worn edges of one photo and stare hard into her eyes. Mine are brown. Her's were blue.

Connection isn't always obvious in DNA. Sometimes it is more subtle.

She was the woman who delivered bags of groceries unannounced and swung wide her door when their was need. She slipped notes full of brave words into struggling sister's hands. She was a mirror of grace.

And I've wondered long and hard where she learned to do that. How she learned to love with abandon in a world that has long abandoned sacrificial love. In her life where she was abandoned on more than one occasion.

I've plumbed the depths of my own heart and I know that I learned it from her. That her life, her story was a grace story and a crystal clear reflection of how to take your little and give it away so that it can multiply.

Her story is our story. It is the little Mexican jumping bean's story. It is my legacy reflected in more than double helixes.

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