Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Real Need This Christmas

A dirty manger reflecting a rugged cross.
A reflection of death in new life.
A Savior come for the sake of sinful man.

It is in the words of my Advent readings that I see my need. This Savior come is only joy after it has become an indictment (Good News of Great Joy for December 2nd)

In the Kingdom of God the way up is always down. 

It makes it all the more disheartening that this season has become synonymous with excess. Over spending, over eating, over drinking, over and over again. Year after year we over indulge only to find ourselves guilt ridden on January 1st.

Our real need isn't more. Our real need is for a Savior. 

That tends to be the elephant in the room at our awkward, drink-filled office Christmas parties and our all too often not-so-Norman Rockwell family gatherings. It isn't a wonder that January has been called the worst month of the year for depression. We have made our resolutions and by mid-January we have failed our resolutions but the whole year lies ahead.

And to think that all this bumper to bumper traffic, lights strung by the millions and fist to fist combat for the biggest and best deals is because of a baby in a manger in the tiny no-stoplight town of Bethlehem. 

Advent. The Coming. The first coming that points to a second coming and Hope.


The King who came and who wrapped Himself in human skin and who was wrapped and swaddled and placed in a humble manger. He is the beacon of hope. He is the indictment on our lives that leads to freedom.

He is the hero who does the unthinkable. He saves His enemies. He saved me.

For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. Romans 5:10

If Advent is going to bear fruit in this winter season then it has to have a robust affect on our hearts. We can't afford to wait till Christmas day to nod our head to Luke 2 and sing a few songs.

It is in the midst of wrapping paper and Christmas cookies that we have to acknowledge all the ugly in our hearts. We have to acknowledge our need. Not our need of one more Christmas gift for the cousins or the need for a new wreath for the front door.

We have to acknowledge our great need for a Savior.  Jesus already bought His gift for you. Paid for it not on credit, but with His life's blood.

You can't out give Him.

The way to thrive this season is to stop striving and admit your need. Enjoy the lights. Hang the greenery. Decorate trees. Eat cookies. Sing loud the ancient carols. Celebrate.

It is true joy when you've found real joy. The real filling to our real need.

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