Monday, November 11, 2013


In the fight with fear the place we always have to come back to is God's already finished plan to save us. We may be a work in progress as women, wives and mothers, but God's plan for redemption was finished in Christ.

Yes, the world is still groaning and awaiting the full realization of that redemption, but our souls as believers are saved and sealed by the Spirit so there is no need to fear.

"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us"
Romans 8:37

I've read that verse in Romans a million times and as a child I remember singing the words from that passage with gusto and muscle man arm motions.

In the past when I've thought about that verse I always had a vision of being in a fight and winning David and Goliath style, but the truth is that the verse says that we are "more than conquerors". We aren't the ones doing the conquering.

Christ did the conquering and somehow in all His goodness and mercy we get the benefit. 

We don't have to worry with the fighting and the striving to not fear or to be a "good" mama. Nope. In Christ those struggles have been conquered. Now our job is to lean into Jesus for all the hard and the ugly places of our hearts and lives.

The leaning is the hard part. The challenge is to lean into the truth when we want to lean into fear. The enemy and our own sinful hearts trick us into believing that it is better to embrace fear, but the truth is that there is endless joy and peace in embracing Christ and the freedom He offers.

All your fears for your children and yourself and everything that you just can't control...Let them go sisters. Open your hands, palms up, and just let them go. They've been conquered and there is not one hair on your head or the heads of your children that is not numbered and counted as precious and prized by the one who walked a hill to die and kill sin and death once and for all.

Your fear doesn't protect them or you; God's goodness does.

We're free from fear. Let's walk in that truth and teach our children to do the same.

{This is the final post "Fearless Motherhood". I hope you've seen God's heart for your fear struggle through new eyes and that the Spirit is breathing freedom in this area of your life. Take some time to thank God for the way that He has conquered death and killed fear once and for all.}

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