Monday, October 14, 2013

Comfortable With Fear

Can I tell you a secret? Lean in closer. Closer. This is kind of embarrassing.

Sometimes I like being fearful. {Gulp}

You read that right. There are days when I cling to fear because it is easier than living life on the cliff's edge of faith. Fear gives me an excuse to live small and not do the hard stuff of marriage, mothering and community.

We've already talked about how fear can sneaks it's way into the everyday and leave us scared to live life. Today we're going to talk about how fear can be a security blanket.

My family serves in ministry and my husband frequently travels to support folks working in the field overseas. Most of the time his travels are to the third world and some times these travels take him to pretty scary places. We did, after all, get pregnant with our daughter while living in post civil war West Africa.

There are times when my reaction to a new trip idea or plan is to just say "NO!" Life is easier and more predictable when he is at home and my flesh's inclination is to just shut it down so that I feel safe and secure. That doesn't kill fear it just puts a block in my life to an opportunity to live out faith. The fear is still there growing and sprouting more and more roots into other areas of my life.

James tells us that a double-minded man is unstable in every way. Living on the razors edge of fear and faith is not where God desires us to live our lives. Jesus calls us over into full faith living.

Again and again God reminds us through His Word that faithful living is the better way. The way that fear lulls us into believing that it is the best way to live is one of the enemy's lies. What seems like it is keeping us safe is actually just bondage to a ruler that desires us to live small faithless lives.

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Even if cutting off the bonds of fear is painful and frightening it is infinitely better than living under the weight that fear puts on our lives. Christ offers that ability. We can't throw these chains off on our own, in fact left to our own devices we'll stay bound up. 

Next week we're going to talk about preaching the Gospel to ourselves to combat fear. That is the only thing that can change a heart that is comfortable living fearful. This week is another week to get honest with ourselves.

{Are their areas of your life where you are comfortable with fear? Do you allow yourself to be scared for yourself and your children using the excuse that it is reasonable to be frightened in the scary world we live in? How does this way of thinking hold you back from living life to the fullest as a woman, wife, mama and Christ follower?} 

Have you missed the other posts in the (in)motherhood Fearless Motherhood series? 
Our Mama Fears and His Marvelous Faithfulness
Unsurprised by Fear
No Room For Fear


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