Friday, September 27, 2013

When the Stitches Pull Tight {Free Art + a Giveaway!}

I've never liked confrontation with all the messy awkward pauses and words jumbled up in the saying. I never seem to say what it is in my heart or head just right and I'm far less than graceful with those who dare to point out my flaws.

There are more than a handful of times when I have written people off. I've walked away from relationship because people didn't live up to my expectations or the clash of personalities just didn't seem worth the effort to dig deeper below the surface.

Truth is I walked away because it was easier than working through the hard parts of love.

Our life is a string of relationships and some will last clear into eternity, others only for a season and others are so brief they barely graze our lives. God stitches us together and sometimes He rearranges the layout of the patchwork design, but always we are woven with others.

There is a tension that exists for those of struggling through the messiness of real life community.

People don't always behave the way we want.

Some of us have lived through more than our fair share of tough slogs in relationships. We have walked through seasons with brothers and sisters that have ended badly with broken relationships. We've recoiled ourselves against the potentiality of ever being hurt by others again.

But sometimes God can use others to buoy us up like a life jacket when we think we are about to go under. Rejecting the gift of community, no matter how risky the prospect may be, might just cost us fullness of life in this present broken world.

If Christ is our tie then we can endure when pulled tight. In fact if Christ is the strong string binding us together then we can endure and come out on the other side woven tighter in Him.

Sometimes the hard relationships are where He shows up most clearly.

I once worked in ministry with a friend who was totally the opposite of my personality and we butted heads relentlessly. I was soft. She was hard. I was creative and easily distracted. She was completely logical and focused in everything.  One day this all came to a head- a big ugly needs-to-be-popped head.

I won't try to say that it was pretty or that I was gracious, because I wasn't. We weren't super tight after this, but we did understand each other a bit better. We understood where the other was coming from and the larger details of what God was doing in each of our hearts.

Shortly after that God split our paths and I count that a grace because we weren't the best of friends, but I also count the time we did minister together a grace. My ugly heart got exposed and God got a chance to work. 

Don't tear the seams of a relationship just because it is hard. Do the hard work of loving because He loved us first. He is the reason we love, not because it is easy. His love for us has never been easy yet He pursues and He loves beyond measure.

Might we be marked and pulled tight together by the same love.

This is the final post in the Stitched Together in Love series for this year! Yes, I think this is going to be an annual thing because I have had a blast giving away beauty and writing my heart out.

One more thing before I go. I've made all of us something. Well, actually my words and the amazing talent of my dear, dear friend Amy Davis have made you something.

Here is a free printable of my favorite pieces of writing "Grace is the biggest kind of brave."

Download this piece of beauty for yourself right here!
Grab some beautiful free "Grace is the biggest kind of brave." art {Click to Tweet this!}

Also, if you feel so inclined my friend Amy who made this piece of beauty is an artist extraordinaire and she is using her talents to raise funds for their family's adoption. Go over and take a look at some of the things she is making! 

Oh, but wait, there is MORE! {Cue the Price is Right theme song}

This week I have a fantastic giveaway from another real life friend. Sarah runs the etsy shop LivingLady that she fills with practical and cute handmade solutions for everyday life! Enter to win $25 to her shop!

I'm Sarah, a Youth Pastors Wife and Mommy to 4 kiddos who LOVES to create in my spare time!  I especially enjoy making custom items for you and your family. My goal is to make life more economical, easier & eco-friendly with my creations!

Find Living Lady on facebook or make a visit to her etsy shop to see all of her fun and functional creations!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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