Monday, September 16, 2013

Welcome to (in)motherhood!

Welcome to (in)motherhood! 

If you are wondering what (in)motherhood is then take a read of this post. 

Maybe you're curious about other (in)couragers community groups. Well, take a gander at this and find one that is just right for you. 

I'm Jessica and I'm blessed to co-lead (in)motherhood along with the amazing Heidi Guyer!

Here is what we are all about:

We are a group of new and expectant moms who love to wrap our arms around each other across the miles through encouragement. (in)motherhood is a place for you to kick up tired feet, pour out your heart and have your empty cup refilled by other sisters that understand right where you are at- even if that place is buried under loads of laundry or with a baby (or two) on your hip. Our hope is that this group will lean hard on Jesus together for the strength and courage to love our families well in the glorious and messy moments of motherhood. We would love to have you walk with us as we laugh, cry, pray, question and cling to Jesus for the grace to mother each and every day.

So that is the big picture! What does that mean for you who are new to the group (and the returning members)? (in)motherhood is meant to fill you up, not drain you. Use the facebook group in a way that benefits you. There is no pressure to be in the group chatting it up everyday. Be as involved as you can and want to be in whatever way is beneficial to where you are as a mama.

Always be respectful of the other ladies in the group. I shouldn't have to say this, but well...I know my tongue and opinions can get the best of me so I need the reminder too. We are all from different places literally, spiritually, emotionally, etc...We will have differences of opinion about mama stuff, but the one thing we can agree on is Christ is the one who equips us for the job. Let's let grace be full and free in this group.

As an (in)couragers community group we hold to our group being a place that is safe, welcoming, respectful, accountable, Christ-centered and encouraging. 

With that said...let's talk about (in)motherhood day to day...

We'll (Heidi and myself that is!) post prompts almost daily on weekdays. These prompts will include prayer requests, topic questions, and other fun stuff. Respond and encourage as you feel led.

We're also going to be doing a few new things this session. Our theme for the session is "Fearless Motherhood". We're going to be talking about what it looks like to be brave mamas in a scary world so hold onto your nursing tank-tops. Look for weekly posts on this topic right here on my blog. (Links will be posted weekly in the FB group!)

We'll also be doing an optional study through the book Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson! This is totally optional so no pressure if this just isn't part of what you are looking for in the group- although I personally don't want to miss it because Heidi is going to be heading that up and I just know that it is going to encourage and inspire.

Finally, we are going to make an effort to chat more in real time. That has always been a challenge in the past but we're starting off on the right foot by having our first chat the Tuesday (September 24th at 9:00pm EST, so mark it on your calendars!) after we kick off. Watch out for more details on our group page.

Our official kick-off on the page will be September 23rd, but these are the big details for now. Anything else we will put up on our closed facebook page. You can always feel free to email me with any other questions you might have. 

Really and truly we are glad you are with us for these next eight weeks (Sept. 23-Nov. 8). I believe that God is going to do big things in us and through us as we mother fearlessly together.

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

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