Friday, September 20, 2013

Filled Up, Poured Out, Refilled Again

I hadn't uttered a word about it to anyone. The way the fear had risen in my throat that morning or the way that I just felt the early fall wind blow dark clouds over my usually determined heart.

Like wind grace finds us wherever we are and won't leave us however we're found 
~Ann Voskamp

My heart felt like mud covered boots bogged down by all that seemed to be pulling on my attention and time. I needed a hand, an arm stronger than my own.

He never fails to give us what we need. 

A prayer whispered by a friend on my behalf. An instagram photo of our family's newsletter with words of encouragement. An invite from a friend to cup mugs and talk about the real and the really hard.

We can be that to each other. The Spirit filled sisters can be Spirit led encouragers and the truth is we all we need that on even our best days. He rejoices to fill us up and He invites all of us to partner with Him in the filling.

We can be gifts to one another by His grace. {Click here to Tweet this!}

I need you. I need you to have eyes to see me in my weakness, stumbling struggle and to let the Holy Spirit lead your actions. You need me to do the same and in so doing to bless wholeheartedly with my prayers and presence.

We are the community of the weak. We care for one another in our weakness.

In this world of me, me, me we need to be the community of grace, grace, grace.

The only way this works is if we turn our gaze off of ourselves and onto those around us. Maybe it is the new mama at library time who looks frazzled from end to end. Perhaps it is that friend you haven't talked to in awhile because busyness has filled both of your lives.

Write a note. 
Send a text. 
Tag someone in a tweet. 
Mail a package of goodness. 
Show up with Starbucks on their doorstep. 
Pray, pray, pray

Remember that your best day may be someone's worst day. Trust God to empty you out and fill you up as His Spirit works and be an active part of filling someone's cup. He will never fail to fill your own.

So here is another fantastic giveaway! Oh, this is a really good one! 

I kid you not...Ivey Expressions designs will knock you over with their awesomeness! My friend Joanna has quite the sense of style and she puts every ounce of it into her amazing and well-made creations. She inspires me! I'm giddy to giveaway just a little something from her! Read more about the mama and artist behind Ivey Expressions and then enter to win!

{again, apologies for the overabundance of exclamation points!}

Hello! My name is Joanna Ivey and I am the designer and seamstress behind Ivey Expressions. I am a stay-at-home mom and I have two daughters, Madisyn (17) and Zuri (5). My husband and I have our own photography business, Imago Photography ( We have been photographing weddings and events for about 6 years now. Our photography business got my creativity going again and I decided to start making bags and purses to sell on Etsy. Sewing is a really fun and creative outlet for me, it allows me to express my personality and ideas and make it into something pretty.

The car baskets are only the tippy top of the amazing handmade iceberg over at Ivey Expressions. Her purses are to die for. Everyone I see is better than the last. This lady has some serious talent. Check. Her. Out! 

Ivey Expressions is giving away one of their adorable car baskets pictured above (Your choice of fabric and monogramming!). Use the rafflecopter below to earn up to 5 entries for this giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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