Monday, September 30, 2013

Unsurpised by Fear

Motherhood is often about doing the hard stuff, the thankless work, the up all night with no tangible rewards work. When our children need us we put aside self and our own needs to put their needs first.

We push down fear and we push down anxiety, but there are times when all of the fear bubbles to the surface and overflows into every nook and cranny of our lives; marriage and motherhood included.

When fear starts pressing on our hearts and minds we shouldn't be surprised. God certainly isn't. We live in a fear prone world. A world in which we even incite ourselves to fear via scary movies and the evening news.

We've got to be able to be honest with ourselves about our fears and the way they affect our ability to live Godly lives in this present world as wives, mothers and women of the Word.

Even though there is plenty to fear it doesn't mean that it is okay for us to let fear be our comfort zone. I know there are times when I have allowed fear to be the thing I am most comfortable with. Rather than doing the hard work of clinging to the cross I cling to my fears because that is what seems more natural.

If we hide fear we will find that we are not hiding in Jesus. We will find that we are actually trying to live life in our own strength while we grapple secretly with fear that is trying to drown us.

The Psalmist puts it so beautifully and the implications for our lives are enormously powerful. We are a fear prone people and motherhood inclines us only to further fear.

God knows that. God isn't surprised by our fears. Not. One. Bit.

He is a fear prepared God.

Take your fear and run into His strong tower. Don't rely on your three little pigs style stick house. Run to the fortress that is our God and find rest and safety.

Ask yourself the hard questions. What is lighting your path? In what are you looking for salvation?  What are you clinging to? Is fear a stronghold or is the Lord your strength?

{What are your fears? Write the down if you haven't already. No matter how ugly, dark or unmentionable they seem. Identify the places where you are fighting fear in your own strength. Claim the truth of Psalm 27:1.}

Did you miss last weeks "Fearless Motherhood" post? Give it a read. 

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