Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Truth About the Way Through Fear

Don't think for a second that bravery is not being scared.

Bravery is being shaking, quaking in your boots scared and walking forward anyway.

Here is the truth, the very hard and honest truth. One day it will all be over. There will be no more seconds on the clock or second chances to live without a regret littering the way.
The only way to the other side is to walk straight through and every step might be drowning in fear, but moving forward is the only way. 

Once I was on a backpacking excursion through the canyon lands of Utah. I wasn't feeling well and we'd been out for two weeks and were lost. The day was just too much and I sat down. I sat down right in the middle of the trail at dusk and I cried big alligator tears.

Evil wins the victory if we sit down where we are and sisters, brothers, I have been guilty, more than I would like to admit, of sitting down in the middle of the trail and refusing to get up.

Here is another very honest, raw and real truth- Good can exist side by side with the bad and if we refuse to move forward because we are afraid of the hard, the hurt, the helplessness that we risk feeling then we might very well be rejecting the full, holy and heartening good that is just ahead, over the vista that looks so far away.

The rain outside is pouring down and I hardly know a soul in our new town. The insurance has stopped and the bank account will get one more paycheck from my husband's former employer before we are left with what is in it. This is where the fear mounts and the question remains.

Will we keep walking forward? 

My temptation is to sit down right where I am and just weep hard the fears and frights that are tapping on my shoulder. The only thing that can make me rise right up out of fear is to turn up the voice of Jesus louder than the whispers of my fearful heart.

The voice of Jesus gently calls me forward. His Word is more truth than any one soul can bare. It is the most raw and real of all truths that the broken and bruised is new and whole in His light. 

One day when all of this is over- all this faith walking and blind jumping after a God whose promises are always calling us forward- I'm going to brush these fears away like old dried up cobwebs and know deep in my soul that all that I worried would've, could've, should've didn't happen because God never once let us go.

We can walk fearless because there is nothing, not one thing that this world can do to us, that God hasn't already finished, paid for in full.

I've been blow away this morning by the response to this post. It seems like God is whispering to a lot of folks' heart. If you wrote about fighting fear today add your link below. Let's turn this God whisper into a holy roar of truth.

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