Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Year of Fearlessness

I have decided that I am never again making a New Year's Resolution.
Nope, not happening ever again.

What I've realized about myself is that in order to see real change in my life I have to tackle things as they come. I have to see the need and be willing to change it right there in the moment. No scheming, no over-planning, no setting myself up for failure.  Can you relate? Resolutions seem to amp up my anxiety struggling and my fear-mongering tendencies.

That is why this year is my year of fearlessness. Wait, so was last year. Oh, and wait...doesn't that kind of sound like a New Year's Resolution? You say toe-may-toe...I say too-mah-toe...My point is that I am still a work in progress and I'm continuing to let God change me and embolden my heart to live fully and fearlessly. I'm even going to get a tattoo...yep, you won't want to miss that.

Next week I will be debuting the new and revised PDF of 31 Days to Fearless. It will be available to buy for the low, low price of $1.99! Yes, available to you my friend and all of your friends! It even has beautiful cover art done by my dear friend Amy Davis!

Leave a comment if you are interested in a free copy of the PDF in exchange for chatting it up on your blog, twitter, Facebook, etc...


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