Saturday, October 4, 2014

Resources for the Light Chasers (Vol.1)

I took a break from the pressure to publish of the blog world this past summer. I thought long and hard about the way God has gifted me personally. During this time a volume by Henri Nouwen, Discernement: Reading the Signs of Daily Life, found me and is currently wrecking me.

That's really what we're searching for with this light chasing experiment. We're looking for God in all the nooks and crannies of life, speaking to us, showing up for us. I can't recommend Nouwen's book more. Seriously, go find it at your local library or request it from a distant branch library like I did.

Also, these days its seems I can't get away from Kara Tippetts' words. In fact I think that a lot of us are drinking in her words like a cup of hard grace. Kara is a would be friend, though she doesn't know that, meaning our paths have crossed in a dozen very literal ways but we've never actually met.

Kara is currently facing a dark prognosis and all the medicine the docs can throw at her cancer. If you're struggling to see the light let me gently nudge you toward Kara and her words. They are the hardest kind of light chasing that I know. Oh, and while you're there pour out a prayer or two on her and family's behalf.

You can also pick up her new book, The Hardest Peace.

We're just a couple days in and we've hardly grazed the surface of the pit we're going to plumb. It's about to get real. Catch up and join the chase this coming week. Remember to use the hashtag #chasinglight to share your adventures.

Day 1: 31 Days of Chasing Light
Day 2: Look for It
Day 3: The Weakness of the Darkness

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