Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 23: Wrestling Fear

I'll try {almost} anything once. 

When we worked in camp ministry it was a common pastime to go cliff jumping. Let it be known that I hate jumping off of things. I'm not afraid of heights, but I HATE the feeling of falling. During the summers it was an almost weekly occurrence. The weekend would hit and we'd swim out to the cliffs or drive out to a 30' high rope swing where everyone was expected to jump. It was never a secret that I don't like to jump off of things, but every time...usually after some coaxing...I would do it.

I don't believe that fear should be allowed to keep us from doing big things. 

Recently my hubs and I met a fella who happened to be friends with a VERY well-known pastor/speaker in the Christian world. He was sharing a few stories about his high profile friend and amidst his stories he shared about how this friend had confessed to being afraid of everything. I couldn't help but be a bit shocked. This person is someone that I esteem and I was quite frankly surprised because he is such a bold voice. Our new friend followed this story by saying something that resonated deeply with this fearful gal. He said, "Just think every time {this well-known pastor} gets up to speak he's fought through enormous fear."

It isn't about whether or not we struggle with fear. I'm beginning to think that the people who are most brave are not those who don't know fear, but those who have wrestled fear to the ground. For some people it is a daily and moment to moment fight.

Wrestling fear to the ground takes one brave, fearless moment. 
One moment in which the scariest thing is not jumping. 

What is it that you want to do most in life? Write a book {ahem, talking to myself}, go back to school, mend a broken relationship, share Christ with abandon, sell everything you have and head across the globe for the sake of the Gospel?

Fear is weak when we are strong.
Christ has given all strength to those of us willing to believe Him.
His strength can wrestle any fear.

 Tomorrow: Day 24: Addicted to Fear

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