Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 11: Afraid to Dream

Fear doesn't allow us to see beyond today. In a lot of cases fear has put blinders on me that have only let me see right this second. It isn't the type of "living in the moment" that you want to aspire to.

Fear can feel like being held hostage. 

Much of my fear has come from the loss of my parents, surprise, suprise. It has made it extremely hard to imagine the people I love staying in my life. It also has made fear a roadblock to going after the things I am passionate about.

My attitude has often been, why bother? Why bother if the things I love and hope for can just be ripped out from beneath me? Its also propagates the lie that I am not worth experiencing good things in life. This kind of thinking snuffs out my dreams before they even become sparks.

Even worse when something good comes into my life I don't fully engage or chase after it because I am quite certain that it can and will evaporate right before my eyes.

In the mind of a fear-struggler failure is equal to loss.

I used to get asked by friends, particularly my husand, "What do you want to do?" It usually led to blank stares on my part. Why? Because to a fear-struggler the idea of a future where you can live and thrive is not something within the realm of possibility. You are frozen right where you are without hope. 

There is a way to face fear down and chase hard your heart dreams. First you have to figure out what those heart dreams are. That can be easier said then done.

Please keep reading. We are only a third of the way through this journey to fearless and we haven't even gotten to the good parts yet!

How has fear held you hostage? What are those heart dreams that you are afraid to dream?

Day 12: Why I Don't Take Meds

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