Friday, October 12, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Race

Hooray for Fridays! The weekend is near and so we take a few minutes to slow our roll and write! 5 minutes is all we get to write footloose, fearless and fancy free! Join the whole crew of writers who brave the 5 minutes each week!

Topic: Race

I've never been the fleet footed type. My less than five foot frame wasn't built for speed. It was built for endurance.  If the growth curve is any indication you'll follow in your mama's size six footsteps. It isn't your legs out running me that I worry about.

It's your life. 

Weren't you just a newborn? What a difference nine months can make. Now you're off to the races and spinning mama whirling after you to save the toilet paper and the cat and the bookshelf and the...well...any thing within your 28" grasp.

You've turned my (our world, your father would agree) world upside down, heart and soul. Your little life has taught me enormous things. I've mainly learned how to to let the rat race pass me by. I couldn't care less about keeping up with the rest of the world because that would mean missing your too-quickly-changing world.

Make me a promise, won't you? Promise me that you won't race ahead to fast? Promise me that you'll stay small enough to fit in the crook of my arm a little while longer? I need that. I need your daily reminder to slow and I'm afraid if you race ahead I'll race ahead and eighteen years will pass in a blink.

I know, I'll do your best, but when there is so much to see and do who could blame you?
I just hope I can keep up.


Five Minute Friday

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