Friday, September 21, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Wide

I'm happy to re-join the Five Minute Friday community here in my new space! It has been a while, but I've truly missed my five minutes of bravery every Friday morning. Enjoy and put a little courage in your morning and write your own five minutes. Find out more about Lisa-Jo's challenge and all of us who are just brave-crazy enough to take her up on it.

Topic: Wide

I hear it. The tell-tell sign that a head has been bonked on the corner of something.


My heart beats a hair quicker and the laundry can wait (it has been there for a day already, right?!) while I soothe away alligator tears. A trace amount of blood, but no pride lost. You're a brave one. Tenacious like your mama. Determined like your daddy. These traits will lead you into the great wide world. A world that will open its arms to you as wide as you open your arms to it. If you can learn to be bumped and bruised, but get back up then you have done better than most.

I know that one day someone will break your heart and no amount of cuddles and kisses from mama will heal that. That is the danger of living arms wide open to the world. You let people in. The only thing you deny access is fear.

Our first official boo-boo


Thanks for reading my five minutes! Glad you stopped by and don't forget to visit some of the other FMF posts!


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