Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Come on in Friends...

Hi Friends,

I bet you've wondered where my ramblings have been over the last few months. This new space has been a long time coming. These past couple of years have stretched me and I just felt in my bones that I needed a new blog to call home and well...here it is. For those of you who followed my old blog, a diamond in the rough, you can end your subscription and subscribe to my new blog using the email subscription link or the RSS feed link on the right hands side of my blog.What can you expect here at Hand Me Down Grace? First, read My Story for where I'm coming from and join me on the journey to where I am going. I've got big dreams and I want you along for the ride. You can expect more writing and more of me sharing this journey of grace- grace found in my heart, home and hopefully carried with my hands to the ends of the earth. Some days it might be bursting with beauty and other days it might take some eye strain to see through the fog of life, but we can do it together, right?

Please subscribe to this blog, drop me a line via email or follow my tweets for more.

Thanks for sticking with me. I've got so much to share. Come on in, pour yourself a cup of whatever you fancy and enjoy looking around. 


  1. Can't wait to follow you on this journey! :o) Love you sweet cousin!

  2. Beautiful new space! Looking forward to reading more!


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