I'm tired ya'll.
It's a miracle that I've made it 26 out of the 31 days with this little writing experiment. If you know me then you know planning isn't my strong suit. I would love to be someone who writes a dozen posts ahead of time, but if I have two posts pre-written for the next week I feel pretty much golden.
The tiredness isn't from writing 31 days although admittedly I am ready to write some other things and to have a day or two in between posts to catch my breath and do other things here on the internets.
This month has been a fight for joy amidst busyness and doing all.the.things. you don't want to do at once. We're under threat of snow today. I'm not exactly crazy about the idea on November 1st, but I need the stillness that winter brings. I need the dormancy of winter and contemplation to reignite my bones for the chase.
Running makes you tired. The pursuit of God can energize us and wear us thin all at once. He promised in this world we would have trouble, but then He sweetly leans in and tells us to take heart because He's got this thing.
He's got this. We're His and this chase isn't going to break us.
We will stumble. We will fall. Keep moving forward. Keep embracing the light in the every day and searching it out in the darkness.
I wish I could tie this series up with a nice little bow, but my own light chasing journey is messy and real. Running with fleetness of heart and foot is exhausting and exhilarating and my two left feet trip me up more times than not. Because at the end of the day it seems to be a dance more than a chase and His lead is gentle in all the rough worn places of my following.
At the end of it all I know that I need Jesus, I need others and I need to believe in the darkness that His Light is unfailing faithful to burst through.
{Thanks for walking with me these last 31 days. This next month I have a new site going up, new surprises and announcements about where I am going and the community I want to continue building. So let's keep chasing light together, ok?}
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