Monday, May 5, 2014

Why We Can Say "Yes" In Our Mess + Rhinestone Jesus Giveaway

We've moved 8 times in 8 1/2 years.

We will move one more time in a month and a half- yes, we did just move this past week. Don't ask.

We've moved houses. We've moved areas. We've moved continents and back.

It's been glorious and miserable. It's been a "yes" to God that has been fought for in the hard places of our soul.

The only thing that hasn't changed in these 8 1/2 years is our hope. James tells us that God just simply doesn't change. He doesn't move zip codes. He's keeping the same P.O. Box for eternity.

That is why I can type these words from the other side of the screen and say that my "yes" to God has been messy. Shot full of holes from the reality of being a broken person in a busted up world. There have been times when I barely whispered "yes" because my heart was screaming "no". Somehow God managed to hear the "yes" and hush the "no".

Right now we are walking through one of those times. I have struggled to feel peace about big decisions, trajectory changing decisions, and it wasn't until I stumbled into a section of Kristen Welch's new book Rhinestone Jesus: Saying Yes to God When Sparkly Safe Faith Is No Longer Enough that God opened my eyes to His remarkable faithfulness to my now.

"My husband is being faithful to the now. And his obedience isn't small in God's eyes. I like how author and blogger Holley Gerth puts it: "What you're doing isn't small if it's what God has for you. It's big . And it just may lead to something bigger."
I needed to here those words at the exact moment I read them.

He really doesn't care if our flesh flares up at us and tries to tell Him "NO!" He can turn our "NO!" into a "yes" and I've seen Him do it in my life. That "yes" is usually a daily "yes" in the ordinary and I'd be a fool to believe God wasn't going to use it for something gloriously extraordinary.

I love watching God do this in other people's lives. How in our kicking and screaming He can bring us to a place of quiet willingness and do magnificently beautiful things with all our little pieces.

Sometimes we've said "no" for so long we don't even know how to start to say "yes".

Do you want what you do in your day to day to matter? Are you looking to find a way to take your ordinary and in the hands of God watch it soar to the extraordinary? Is the neat and tidy church-on-Sunday kind of faith wearing thin and disappointing?  

Kristen Welch of We Are THAT Family has written a stunner of a book. Rhinestone Jesus is her journey to saying "yes" to God and the wild adventure of faith that put her on. She has written a book for all of us who think that our dreams have been buried beneath laundry, diapers and the day to day.

This book isn't just Kristen's story of how God worked in her life, but a bold invitation to believe that God can use you in the same way. She said "yes" and God birthed, quite literally, a maternity home in Kenya (Mercy House Kenya) out of her "yes".

There are no small people in the Kingdom of God. There is only a big God ready to do big things with our little. Kristen Welch isn't special (sorry friend) she's just one woman who stopped gripping tight to her life and let God grab a hold of her hand and lead her to dreams she couldn't have imagined.

Will you dare to say "Yes" in your mess? #yesinmymess 

The book is now available at most online book retailers and a store near you including; Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Family Christian Stores and DaySpring!

Watch the book trailer and then enter to win a copy of Rhinestone Jesus below!

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