Thursday, May 1, 2014

Let the Celebration Begin {Welcome to May}

This past month has been crazy for my family. Crazy with a capital "C"

It's been a wearying combination of moving and the unexpected of life plus once again finding our place in the in between of it all. I'm tired. I'm worn around the edges. My soul fills frizzed like my unruly mop of curls.

Once a year along comes the month of May.

My mama picked two days short of June to welcome me into her life, her legacy, her world. This May I'm marking a new decade of life. The thirties have come upon me and as I've tried to hype myself up for it I've repeatedly told my husband that my thirties are my decade. No, really I've said it over and over again with a wild look in my eye. "The thirties are MY decade."

I'm starting to believe that they will be.

Really I'm believing that my thirties will be a "hold on for dear life" kind of time that finds me clinging to Jesus more tightly than ever. What I'm truly hinting at is that I'm saying "Yes." to whatever that means.

I'm more comfortable in my skin than I ever was in my twenties. Yes, the edges are a bit more worn, my middle is a bit softer and my brain on any given day is foggier, but really truly I am more me than I have ever been.

Marriage, motherhood, and the things I love so deeply it aches in all the deepest parts are making me stronger and more whole than I knew I needed to be. Jesus, in His grace and goodness, is proving to be more than I ever knew He was. He is infinitely richer and sweeter and so is this life, broken bits and all.

I have no idea what this decade will hold. I have some hopes. I have heaping handfuls of dreams.

All I know is that I'm going to celebrate this month. I'm going to celebrate the life that I have and the God that I love and I'm going to trust that ten years from now I'll be doing the same regardless of what happens in between. 

I don't know about you but I could use a little truckloads of hope. It's been a winter that has challenged me heart and soul and I'm ready for the happy. I'm ready for the sun to soak into my skin and the truth of God to soak deeper into my soul.

This month I'm giving away some of my favorite things. In addition to giveaways I am going to be filling my blog with things that make me laugh, fill me with hope and bring me joy. I'm so excited to share with you the things that give me life and to celebrate everything else in the world coming to life- including myself!

I'm learning when grace is the rhythm of your life you might get lost in the song but you'll never really lose the beat.

Pull up a chair. I'll pour you a fresh cup of whatever you fancy. I'm sliding the bowl of chocolate your way. Let the celebration begin!

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