Friday, March 14, 2014

Why So Quiet?

It's been quiet around this space. Quieter than I would like, but this year is all about embracing life and my life has been demanding a lot of me as of late.

Life has been demanding that I cling to Jesus and His good purposes when I have way more questions than answers. Maybe you relate? Maybe you're clinging also?

It is no secret that I am a fear fighter and the fear has been knocking hard in recent weeks. It isn't a place I like to be in, but it is where I have been and where I'm still struggling from.

The fight really is so much different than it used to be. I once wrestled fear only to find it too hard to get out from under. Now. Now I recognize fear for what it is and I'm so much quicker to admit weakness and rely on God's faithful strength. 

The tears still come. The shoulders still tense. The heart still falters. But I don't stay there.

I don't have anything profound to say today.

Yesterday I didn't wear makeup and I gathered around a kitchen table with coffee and a few sisters. This morning I went to a consignment sale with some friends and ate a big ol' chocolate muffin while laughing and toddler wrangling. I'm purposefully investing in the lives around me and I'm seeing God put some steps in my path that are out of my comfort zone, but part of the story He is writing on my life.

Nothing has really changed the questions are still more than the answers. I expect this might be your story too. I'm here to say that it is okay.

Life is good. It's hard. I'm weary. But really, truly, He is good and so is life because of Him. I hope you can say the same.

My words have been few. I'm feeling okay about that because I'm learning that the words write themselves when I'm rightly embracing the everyday rhythms of life, unanswered questions and all.

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