Saturday, March 1, 2014

When You Want Something More {Weekend Link Love}

I'm craving Spring. My toes are aching for freedom from boots. I seriously thought I might lose it this week. We had a taste of Spring last weekend and then it vanished and a wee girl with an ear infection appeared.

Sometimes we want more than the status quo. We want more than the same old same old. We want the light to break in and push the truth deeper into our souls. Here are some posts that do that.

{Because I can't link to all of these posts and they are just too amazing not to share!}
{A thoughtful and informative piece from Rachel Pieh Jones}
{From Kristen Welch, she just keeps knockin' them out of the park lately}
This 4 Year Old Makes Paper Dresses With Her Mom 
{This is amazing! Way more than I could imagine!}
{Because I just love this gal and she speaks encouragement and truth in a way we all need.}
This gorgeous dress.
{I have been a fan of Atelier Signature since I got a dress for a wedding from her for a steal.}

I'm on a mission to make sure everyone sees this. Paul Rudd. We salute you. 

Spring is near. I can feel it in my bones. Happy weekend friends!

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