Tuesday, February 4, 2014

10 Things I Learned In January

I've never done this, but after the month that I've had it just feels right. Every month Emily Freeman invites us to reflect on the previous month and find ten things that you learned. January was certainly a learning month for me. It was a month that I felt off kilter and quite frankly like a mess at several points. It was ultimately a challenging month that made me feel out of control and excited all at once.

 Here are 10 things that I learned...

1)It's okay to start over. 
After the first week of the year found me blowing my nose and burying my head under the covers I needed a redo. I felt like all my plans for the year had been dashed against a rock and all that remained were the broken bits of dreams- ok, over-dramatic, much?

My hubs gave me permission and I gladly hit the re-set button. His permission helped me be a bit more gracious with myself about the complete and utter lack of productivity at the beginning of the year. 

2)Ten days is enough time to pick up the pieces of a botched take-off to 2014
My hubs was in South America for a ten day trip. This was  great time for me to focus on all the things that totally got pushed to the back burner after the failure to launch at the beginning of January. When I work hard things get done. I know, shocking revelation. 

3) Nine year old girls are amazing.
I got to spend a little quality time with one of my nieces while my hubs was away. Could I just say she is such a cool girl. Full of creativity, joy and just plain ol' fun to be around. I need to channel some of her energy in my daily life. We got a humongous mug of hot chocolate and then we cruised the aisles of the Dollar Tree. Time well spent. 

4) There really is nothing to be afraid of.
We all know about my struggle with fear. This year my word is "Embrace" and God has already been doing some major work in my heart using these two little syllables. I launched my "Girl's Night In&Out" idea a couple of weeks ago and I've been blown away by the response. I did that all while my husband was away on a different continent. God is the one taking care of me so I can step out into anything He calls me too with out one ounce of fear.

I have loads more to share about the way my One Word is re-shaping me from the inside out. But for now know that January proved to be a month with plenty to "embrace".

5) Southern girl can survive...even in snow.
Two trips up and down Black Mountain in the snow. Nuf' said. Go Subaru!

6) The Dollar Store can change the world...or at least someone's mood.
That amazing nine year old girl I mentioned above? We spent the better part of our time together picking out $ store goodies to send to a friend with breast cancer. We found a sweet little basket and some other smile inducing finds to make a basket to cheer her on and up.

We had been talking about fear, me and the wildly joyful nine year old. I told her that sometimes the best way to fight fear is to think of how you can love someone else going through something scary. That was a lesson to my own heart. 

7) Making new friends is easier than I make it out to be.
Sometimes you just have to invite yourself over to someone's house. I did that more than once in January and the result has been new relationships that are already encouraging me more than I can say. 

8) Routines keep me sane and are anything but routine.
It is easy to see routine as mundane. After tons of travel and then sickness I've never been so glad to see the librarian, the childcare people at the YMCA or the cashier at the grocery store.

9) There is nothing better than your husband coming home.
Do I really need to elaborate? He wasn't away at war, but South America for 10 days with only little pieces of communication is a recipe for missing my man. The Hoover gals were super happy about his return. 

10) Women connecting, living and serving around the globe is my new favorite thing.
I've been shouting from the rooftops about Velvet Ashes for months now. The past few weeks the site has been a'buzz and the community really is growing and flourishing. It is humbling to be a part of. If you are someone you know is serving overseas please go check out the community. You won't regret it.

January was quite the month for me mentally, physically and spiritually. I'm going to unpack it a bit more this week, but for now I'd love to hear what you learned in January. Sooooo...spill it!

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