Monday, January 27, 2014

(in)couragers Winter Session {Register Today!}

I was a mama ten months old when I saw a blip on facebook about a new way to find community with other women. I clicked through to the (in)courage website to find out what it was all about and knew that I had to be a part.

When I joined an (in)couragers community group I don't think I realized how desperate I was for women who were in the trenches of my season of life with me.

It was just the encouragement that my new mama heart was needing.  A group of women who understood the up all nights and the mama guilt and trying to find a new normal with a little person clinging to me for every little need.

Because of the group I met this amazing lady, and this superwoman of encouragement and a whole bunch of other awesome women who have covered me in prayers and made me braver to mama.

The next session I got asked to step up as a co-leader of my group. Being an (in)courager has made me braver in my real life. It has made me bold to swing open my real life front door and wave women in who need to be cheered on in their day to day, face to face lives.

I really think that these groups are a way to help us take off the mask of having it all together and connect in the ugly and extraordinary ordinary of our everyday.

Wanna know more?

Today we're swinging the online doors open and inviting you in to be encouraged right where you are through the (in)couragers community groups. You can find a group that is just right for you! Military wife? Chronic illness? Mom of a teen? Single Mom? Student? There really is a group for almost anyone so go check it out and register for the one that meets you in the messy middle of your life.

Find a group that is just right for you! {Click to tweet this}

Are you a new or expectant mama? Come join me and the other gals in (in)motherhood (or one of the other new and expectant mom's groups) as we struggle through baby feeding strikes, toddler tantrums, and all the ups and downs of life with littles. We'll be talking about the dreaded mommy-guilt this session.

Heidi and Jessica {(in)motherhood co-leaders}

Need to know a bit more about (in)motherhood

"We are a group of new and expectant moms who love to wrap our arms around each other across the miles through encouragement. (in)motherhood is a place for you to kick up tired feet, pour out your heart and have your empty cup refilled by other sisters that understand right where you are at- even if that place is buried under loads of laundry or with a baby (or two) on your hip. Our hope is that this group will lean hard on Jesus together for the strength and courage to love our families well in the glorious and messy moments of motherhood. We would love to have you walk with us as we laugh, cry, pray, question and cling to Jesus for the grace to mother each and every day."
Sound like something you need? We would love to have you so click on over and join us. 

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