Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Grove: Together

We live in the mountains of Western North Carolina. The hills that stun in autumn and leave you just enough removed from civilization to remember how small you are.

How very small we all are.

I go outside and lift my weary head to the sky. A million stars shine back at me and I drop my jaw in awe.

There are no city lights to drown out their beauty. There isn't even a street lamp to distract.

I gaze long and I feel small and held by a huge God all at once. 

The sparks of light dotting the sky seem clumped together from afar, but in reality there are millions of miles between. Yet somehow they sing in symphony to the onlooker with feet planted on our blue planet.

Miles apart, but working together.

We are the sisters scattered like stars in the night sky all over the globe. 

But one star, on it's own, isn't nearly as impressive as a whole sky full.

We are the small who are held by a huge God and even though thousands of miles lie between us all we are nevertheless a body.

The Body. His Body. Celestial bodies shining for our Maker with our two feet planted on every corner of the globe. Born to this world, broken and needy, but made for so much more.
"There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call"
 {Ephesians 4:4}

I'm linking up for the inaugural prompt over at "The Grove". This week we're writing on the prompt "Together". Weekly we'll gather as the Velvet Ashes Community to write our stories together. Share on your own blog or leave your thoughts in the comment section.


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