Friday, August 9, 2013

Short Break

Hi friends,

I'm gonna be gone for a week living it up on the beach with my big floppy hat. I need to unplug and just be with my family. You understand, right?

The great thing about taking time to rest is that seems to be when God gives me the most inspiration. I'm even gonna miss 5 minute Friday, but I promise I'll be back in just over a week with more of the story God is writing on my life to share. It really is like a faith step, I trust that God has called me to this writing thing so He will bring you back to read the story that He is ultimately the one writing. Thanks for journeying with me.

You know I couldn't leave you forever, right?

Heaps of grace and chocolate,

P.S. You might find a few pics from the week on my instagram account...might...

If you want to get caught up on reading my scribbles, here are some great places to start:
25 Truths Every Motherless Daughter Needs to Know
Why Motherhood is So Hard
We Stand There By Grace
Not Just a Trip (In Which I Tell You About Something Amazing)
Dear Weary Mom, You're Not a Bad Mama

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