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My 5 minutes on "Listen"
The distance between hearing and listening is one engaged heart.
I have this habit. This awful habit of hearing every word anyone has to say, but completely failing to listen. Chalk it up to my ostrich like attention span or my pinball machine brain. All I know is that I don't always hush the noise to listen to the hearts of those I love.
It amazes me how seemingly silent tasks can blare the loudest noise over my day and my heart. Those dishes in the sink practically scream, "We aren't going to wash ourselves!" and the dust bunnies yell-whisper "Pssssst, we will not be ignored!"
Oh, and the to-do list. The list with the ten tasks I've got to do and the two that I just want to do and somehow only about 1/100 of it actually gets done. All the noise can deafen me to those around me.
I need a mute button for the to-do list. A silencer for all the got-to-be-done-right-nows.
I need to turn up the listening and turn down the noisy voice inside my head that tries to convince me that the deeds of my hands are worth more than the substance of my soul, in Christ. Because Jesus whispers into the cracks of my life and often I hear Him, but too in-often I don't listen.
Listening is how we absorb the meaning. Ears open and heart open drive change and connect hearts.
Jesus always took the time to listen and connect to the heart of the hurting. He never fake nodded with glazed over eyes to someone.
To listen is to live in the moment fully. To experience fully the presence of another, sometimes, most times in my life, the very presence of Jesus.
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