Friday, May 3, 2013

5 Minutes on Brave

I love community. I love this community. You ladies, the ones that read these scribbles, are simply amazing. You amaze me with the way you bless and love and wrap arms around one another in real time.

Each Friday we huddle up together to write 5 minutes of wild and crazy good writing. This community has me grinning from ear to ear on Thursday nights and then Friday mornings I get real bold and type the words just below the surface. No backspacing, no second guessing, just real writing bravery.

Join us, won't you? 

That biting your tongue and swallowing the sharp ungraceful words. That is brave. 

Mama, that toddler who pulls at your hemline with scrunched up nose and tear filled eyes. That whine that echoes in every move you make and finds you pulling at your hair's roots.

That is a little soul who needs you to be brave. 

Brave enough to embrace the wearying world of motherhood without regret, without wishing you were anywhere but here, without arms distance between you and them.

They need you to be brave enough to crack the Word and not crack up when they need you to teach them how to be, how to love. The little heart that holds your own needs you to be a brave face when you want to collapse in fear.

and we do...

We mamas roll tired out of bed each morning to wrap ordinary with brave. We will give in to fear at times. We'll lash out an ugly word or shut the door on a screaming toddler, but we will never stop putting on our super capes to make it all right.

That is so brave. Grace is the biggest kind of brave. The bravest kind of brave in a an upside down do-it-for-the-glory world.

Five Minute Friday

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