Monday, April 1, 2013

When Rising is Hard After He is Risen

We sang our hearts out, Glory Hallelujah, yesterday over a King risen and victorious, but today we have to keep walking forward in this broken world and looking long and hard for His presence when all we see are the cracks. 

The truth is that the Easter story doesn't change our life's circumstances, but it sure does change the reality that we walk in. 

The stone in front of that tomb looked immovable, impenetrable, but it wasn't and bursting through brighter than the sun our King came and all that was left were a few rags. For those who have put their faith in the Resurrection- and it was a Resurrection because no King, no real, righteous King fakes death- we can rise up today the Easter people and we can throw off rags and rejoice. This isn't an April Fool's hoax. Whatever righteousness we thought was ours is filthy rags and He offers us white, unstained garments rap to around our cold hearts and bring us into the light to warm in His presence. It is truth of the truest and most valuable kind.

The celebration doesn't have to stop on Easter Sunday. In heaven the celebration never stops.

We get Jesus for all eternity. When He cried out "It is finished" He meant it from that moment forward. We can walk in that truth and believe that He is, even now, doing the work of redeeming it all. The broken, the busted, the leaky sieve that is a life that just won't hold water against the bumps and bruises of this world, He came to redeem it all and the work that He finished is a story that calls us to life. It shouts us up out of death. Admit we're dead and admit He is alive and that is when the Resurrection happens all over gain in our hearts.

He calls our dead souls to rise right up out of the grave and tell the story to every dead heart we meet.

Awake, awake, O heart of mine!
Sing praise to God above;
Take up the song of endless years,
And sing redeeming love!
Redeemed by Him Who bore my sins,
When on the cross He died;
Redeemed and purchased with His blood,
Redeemed and sanctified.

                                      ~Fanny Crosby

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