Friday, March 29, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Broken

For the Five Minute Friday crew every Friday is a good Friday, but today we pause to remember and the remembering is, as Ann without an "e" would say, the way that we are re-membered. I'm writing for five minutes free and fearless. I hope you'll read and that you'll take more than five minutes to ponder big the gravity of what Christ did for you on a rugged tree and the victory that came a few short days later. It is the same victory that for the Easter people we can live and walk in. He died and lives for you. All for you and for His glory. Might every minute ring loud in our lives this truth today and every day after.

Join our happy, clappy clan and write your own five minutes!

TOPIC: Broken

One piece of greenish blue pottery, another big polka dotted flower pot...broken. The wee girl in her limitless curiosity, who thinks she is stronger than ten men, breaks things left and right these days.  A dab of glue and just the right realignment of the pieces will patch things right up as good as new.

When she dropped the pottery onto the linoleum it cracked down the side and the noise alerted me to the disaster. I rushed to pick it up and told myself along the way that I would speak grace over the brokenness.

After all He speaks grace over our brokenness in a million ways. 

Here we are muddling through life breaking things left and right and here He is busting down heaven and earth to mend the break. He gathers the pieces up and gathers us up in His arms and He doesn't lose a single piece and puts us back together whole, better than new.

All His brokenness, hanging on a tree, blood mingled with sweat and tears was a putting back together of everything that had shattered broken under the cool of a garden tree. We're broken, His body breaks, and we are healed from the inside out. The best sort of healing the healing that starts down deep and seals up the break.


Five Minute Friday

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