Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Community Has to Do With It

When I was in the second grade I became friends with a couple of girls who I thought were the coolest seven year old gals this side of the Mississippi. Turns out they were mean girls- really mean girls. I spent my second grade year trying to stay on their good side by excluding which ever little girl they chose from our circle. I didn't have a clue what the word "community" meant at that point, but I was learning more about it then I knew.

Many of us find ourselves as adults with the same understanding of community as my second grade self.  Some of us have been deeply wounded by communities that played the same games as my second grade friends. 

There are those of us walking around with covered up wounds from being a part of communities gone bust and bankrupt of love. Some of us don't even bother covering up the gaping holes anymore. We bare their marks and keep an arms distance with anyone, especially other Christians, who might get a bit too close.

Christ rose from the grave and two short days ago we celebrated that fact. That, one resoundingly, undeniable fact that He rose from a heavy tombed grave and is alive. Men and women through the ages have died proclaiming that one unshakeable truth. We stand on this side of heaven and walking this road of life in Christ is anything but easy.

Sometimes walking it with one another is downright messy and ugly, but Jesus dead, buried and raised has everything to do with community. 

We aren't meant to do it alone and a few weeks pass and all those who believed in Christ dead, buried, risen and coming again publicly proclaimed that this was the truth. They corporately proclaimed that He is the way, the truth, and the life.

They corporately proclaimed this fact.

 Acts 2:42-47 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

From the start of the Christian church there was value placed on community. Don't dilute yourself to think that community amidst the first church was anything other than difficult. If it wasn't then Paul wouldn't have written volumes to those first churches.

The first church didn't have clever tweets or facebook statuses to hide behind. They lived out their new faith side by side and it got ugly at times. When we choose to walk with one another through this life and beneath the weight of the cross it will get ugly at times.

The church, from it's inception, has struggled to emulate Christ's love. Women have struggled to live in community with one another. Yes, historically within the Church women have had cat fights.

A community built around Gospel truth isn't about how we dress, our method of parenting (or lack there of), how healthy our lifestyle, what music tickles our ears or how deep our pocketbooks go. We don't have to compare notes and decide to ourselves who is the most worthy among us. Nope, all those cards are off the table in Christ. In Christ the playing field is level and we are community of the broken made whole in Christ raised. 

We will continue to struggle till Kingdom come and there is no perfect community. Community, true Christ loving bold and broken community, starts within our own hearts and our own actions.   Sisters (and brothers too), let's be the Body. Christ's body was broken for us and our hearts will be broken at some point by our fleshly, human brothers and sisters.

In Christ there is all kinds of healing for all kinds of broken...even our broken communities. 
We are a part of a whole new community in Him.

Real community is right where you are. An opportunity to find that community is coming up in just a few weeks. Join an (in)RL meet-up in your area!

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