Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When the Small is Really the Big

The mountains in our lives are mole hills to God, but even the mole hills are not hidden from His gaze. A week ago I was praying hard. I was praying hard for things that I couldn't see. Sometimes you pray for small things when what you are really asking for are enormous, if-God-doesn't-show-up- we-will-not-make-it sized things. 

Our life is full of unexpected right now and there are more questions than answers scattered along this faith road, but still we walk. I had a hope. A hope in the midst of a tight budget that I might return to Allume this year. Last October I gathered with women from all over to talk all things blogging and Jesus. It inspired. It grew my vision. It made me just a bit more fearless. I was hoping to go this October, but we're about strike out into a new God-sized dream and funds are limited to say the least. We're about to ask friends, far and wide, to join in this dream with us financially for the foreseeable future and that is a step of faith that is more than a bit daunting.

While praying for a means of purchasing my ticket for Allume I felt God's nudge. Do you know what I mean? That moment when you know God is saying more than what meets the eye through your circumstance. He gave a nudge to my heart reminding me to not stop short in believing for the small things. I've got to believe Him for ALL things. If I am willing to pray that God would provide for a ticket to a blogging conference then how could I shirk back from believing that He will provide every thing for where my family is headed? The little stuff and the big stuff are all the same to God.

That is why it really shouldn't have come as a surprise when I opened up twitter to see that a friend, an anonymous friend, heard this need. This woman heard it in her heart from the same God, by the same Spirit that speaks to me and loves me and calls me, that she should be the hands and feet of His Son in my life. I'm humbled. Humbled right down to the holy ground that is all of life for anyone who dares to follow Christ. 

I want this person to know, whoever she is, that God used you in a big way. Yes, you bought my ticket to Allume and that is a tremendous gift, but you also showed my weak faith that every step on this journey my family is about to leap into without a net is already taken care of by a God who sees me. A God who even cares whether or not I go to a blogging conference. How much more does He care that we have enough to pay the bills?

In the end all of it is God-sized and the dreams we dream with pursed lips and through blurry eyes filled with tears are heard by the heart of God and some times whispered to others on our behalf. If we believe the small we can believe the big. Rejoice with me sisters. Some of you are walking through impossible circumstances and every little thing seems to require a mountain of faith. Some of you are hoping for your own anonymous Allume ticket. He knows the plans that He has for you. Walk strong in Him, pray even when your words falter, believe that God is for you and will supply every need. His riches are endless.

Thank you sweet anonymous friend. Thanks be to God who shows up big in the seemingly small.

1 comment:

  1. All of it, every single word, is exciting. I have joy from seeing God work in this visible way in your life. Can't wait to hear what's next. Praying for you all. :)


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