Monday, March 11, 2013

Mom-Guilt Free Zone

One thing no one tells you when you're pregnant is that among many gifts that first time mamas receive is an invisible measuring stick. This measuring stick helps us all know when we are living up to expectations and being good moms. When we fail the measuring stick represents massive amounts of guilt that we put on ourselves. The measuring stick is unreasonable. The measuring stick is something we make up and something that we stretch and reach for that is unattainable. The measuring stick needs to be broken over our own knees for good.

The measuring stick gets it's information from blogs, websites, magazines, books, television, women who are walking in guilt not in grace, our own pride, etc...Some times we need to turn these things off and turn up the voices that are cheering for us to love well and abundantly. Yes, sometimes that means your baby is in the pack-n-play for a half hour so that you can vacuum the floor and wash the dishes. Maybe no one has told you this lately, but that is okay. Really, it is. I've been told a dozen times, if you wonder if you are doing things right then you are probably doing more than you even realize right.{FYI: There is no "right". Letting go of that word is a step in the right direction.}

This space. This blog. My heart for each of you. Ladies, it is mom-guilt free zone. 

When you are tempted to wonder if the baby's nap was a little too long because you were trying to get things done or if your dinner was a little less than nutritious because that is what you had in your fridge...STOP...remember that being a good mom isn't about how many of the expectations that you have placed on yourself get met. When you get home just in time to cook dinner, give a bath and rock sleepy little one to sleep...STOP...wrap yourself in God's grace and press on. That time you thought it was just a runny nose and the doctor told you that it was a double ear infection on the verge of rupturing and requiring strong can't know everything about everything. It will all be all right.

Being a good mom means letting go of your own standards and embracing Jesus. Jesus broke all the rules. He gave us a few to live by but they aren't stifling. They are freeing. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control...these fruits will blossom ripe and guilt only rots the whole lot. The measuring stick pf grace is one that is forgiving when we fail. We will fail. Miserably. We are far harder on ourselves only because we are far needier than we realize. Mama friends, lay down guilt and take up grace.

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