Friday, March 15, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Rest

I've put a few miles on the car this week visiting family and I'm so glad to be back here in this space writing with my foot to the floor board for five minutes. Join us or just simply read the amazing writers who take this dare each week!

Topic: Rest

There will always be that one more thing to do. The second you think that you've marked the final thing off of the list you'll find something new to add and the list will start all over again. It can feel like a hamster wheel. It can feel like perpetual motion when all you really want is a nap. What most of us need is to take the to do list, tear it up, and take the nap.

Our world, this American life, it builds itself off of hard work and ingenuity and I'm a believer in those things. I want the work of my days to be fruitful and full, but busy? No, I don't want busy. I want rest in the midst of an overflowing life. I don't want my schedule to be dominated by to dos. I want, no I need, my schedule to have a little less busy. A little less of the places to go, people to see, time to collapse mentality. That is all right some times, but life is already short and the busy blurs the real moments.

What life really needs is a pause button. A way to stop the crazy and do only the things that mean the most because truth be told even when the outward busy stops I'm often guilty of letting the inward busy blare loud in my heart and head. Rest isn't a barrier to busy it is a continual drinking in the midst of busy of the fountain that never ceases to flow peace.

That fountain is Christ and I'm desperate for a sip.


Five Minute Friday

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