Friday, February 8, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Bare

This is the time of the week when a few of us take time to slow time and write for 5 minutes flat. No over-thinking it. Just crazy free writing. We let the wind carry us were ere' we go led by one word provided by the fabulous Lisa-Jo. Stumble on over and find out what this crazy five minutes of free writing is all about. Click through some of the writers and show your love for our bravery!

Topic: Bare

New life almost always starts under the cloak of darkness. Under a weight of darkness that can press hard on the chest. A seed falls to the ground and is buried under darkest earth and no one sees all the wonder. No eye sees all that is done in secret. A bare seed sprouting beneath the darkness of earth.

Months on end pass and the routine creeks the walls around. It can feel like the running of a marathon just to get through the day and sprout trust that God is already in our tomorrow and every day after. Winter leaves the trees bare and none of us have evergreen souls. Some times we are in a season of life where everything just feels bare, worn around the edges, cold and gray. The seed still exists planted deep in the gestating ground.

Punxsutawney Phil, despite his best efforts, doesn't get to choose the first day of Spring. No matter how hard we try we can't force our lives to bare fruit out of season. Darkness can breed hope that light can break in. Hope that darkness is only known because light is longed for. The absence of light is dark. The light is coming, just wait, and it is bringing a harvest of hope.


Five Minute Friday

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