Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Compassion Bloggers: It's About Giving.

I remember the year that eleven packed our three (tiny) bedroom, one bath house. This wasn't an overnight. It was months of living cramped nose to nose with another family. My mom knew that whatever was given would be received ten fold. She never tired of giving. She taught me that to give deep you have to dig deep.

We dug deep that year to encircle a family who had lost everything. 

She was notorious for buying a weeks worth of groceries for an unsuspecting family or picking up a lavish gift to surprise a friend. She believed the Gospel and scraped our budget clean to make sure that it made it to the ends of the earth on her dime. She was a light and her gifts were the beacon. A ray of hope to those walking through dark times.

I have her genes in my body, but I'm not nearly the giver that she was. I suppose you can give freely when you know that the little you have isn't your's anyway. I think I'm still working that truth out. I freely admit that I can get wrapped up in the wrapping up of gifts and online deals {I'm an etsy addict}. I am a giver so the idea of scheming the perfect smile inducing gift is a joy to me.

I'm not completely off base. It is about giving. This season is ALL about giving.

It's about the One who gave ALL.

The baby born to give all so that we might have all in Him. Ponder that thought deep. Then ponder the contents of your pocket book. Is it a meager sum? Mine is beyond meager this year, but the sum still leaves some and I truly want to give that some to the least of these among us. If you believe the grand story of our Savior then believe this one thing more, your gift is meant to be re-gifted. It's all about giving. Give it all to show mercy, share the Gospel and shower love in the name of Christ this season.

Want to make change with your meager change? Dig around in your couch cushions, look under your car seat and make a difference with whatever you find! Then click on over to the Compassion Christmas catalog and see what you can do with your findings! Give all you have this season in the name of Christ.

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