Friday, November 30, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Wonder

We're taking the month of December off from the 5 minute crazy wonderfulness, but not before we do just one more thing...write for 5 minutes flat! Set your timer and let your words do the rest!

Topic: Wonder

Those big brown eyes are filled with it. That unmistakeable glint of curiosity, an imagination running wild and free. Wonder is your disposition. The position of your heart so new to this worn out world. I long to capture that wonder in a jar like fireflies. It makes you brave. It makes you push limits and explore the world without fear. I need more of that.

Won't you teach me, my dear? 

I need lessons in uninhibited wonder at all that can and could be. I look at the next few months and I think, really? Really this is going to happen? All these prayers and all this angsty heart wrestling and life wrestling is going to birth something? I realize that somewhere along the lines I started deciding what God can and will and does do and the ways that He does it if we try hard enough. That isn't Gospel living. That isn't a life that is enamored by grace. That is a life of striving.

You, with your twelve sprigs of hair and wobbly legs set to take off any day now. You don't worry. You wonder. Those flowers all decked out in ruby reds and sunshine yellow. They don't toil or spin, but Solomon had nothing on them. I don't need more worry in my life. I need more wonder.


Five Minute Friday

Today also begins my Taking Time to Thrive:Transforming the Holidays into Holy Days December series. Enjoy!

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