Friday, November 23, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Thank You

A whole crazy crew of us stay up for one thing on Friday...and it isn't doorbuster is 5 minutes of crazy fun writing that doesn't cost a thing. Join the group and write your own brave and bold 5 minutes!

Topic: Thank You


She trips out of bed in the wee smalls and hits the light red on the coffee pot. She stumbles to the baby's room and snatches a tear streaked babe from an old wooden crib, nestles the child in arms full. She sits in the dark and thinks no one sees her. She thinks no one notices the way a life can stretch a body for the rest of a lifetime. She wonders if this work matters. If this work of motherhood matters to anyone other than her own heart stretched big to love another so needy.

Wonder no more. It does. Thank you, because it so does. 

I'd give each one of you, rocking lives in the dark, a certificate and a chocolate bar and a hug and an endless list of joy if I could. Thank you for doing the hard work of mothering and being there and getting up when your bed is warm and these late fall nights are cold.

Thank you for raising little people. 

Thank you for singing songs and acting the fool for little faces with glowing smiles. Thank you for mothering difficult children. Thank you to the ones who've spent more nights on uncomfortable chairs in hospitals than at home this past month. Thank you to the mama who has fought the demons of depression in the wake of maternal joy and just doesn't feel like she can do it anymore.

You can. The rest of us know that you can. 

You won't get thanked on t.v. or in the tabloid magazines. Your rounded curves won't land you on the cover of Cosmo. You won't receive a trophy for all those nights you wiped fever soaked brows or soothed teething babes. 

No matter. You are a hero.

Thank you to all the mama hearts that love relentlessly the babies down the hall, the grown up child away at college, and the married children with babes of their own.

You bless me, but you bless your children more.


Five Minute Friday

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, you bless me the way you pour your heart out each week in a beautiful tumble of words. You have a gift and I am so thankful that you share it.


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