Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 28: What Fears May Come

There is a good chance that something that you are afraid of will happen.

It might just be that thing that keeps you awake at night.

My question to you is, what if that happens? What if that thing that you are so afraid of does happen?

Where does that leave you? Where does that leave your heart? Where does that leave your faith? 

Corrie Ten Boom is a hero of mine. She was the only member of her immediate family to survive Ravensbruck work camp during WWII. She was imprisoned along with her father and sister for hiding Christian Jews in their home. The worst happened to Corrie. Yet she claimed till the end of her long life that "there is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still."

The depth of God's love blanketing a broken world cannot be measured. If His lovingkindness were to be removed we can be assured that all our worst fears would come to pass. Yet he is gracious and even in our trials can and will be found faithful.

Tomorrow: Day 29: A Breather

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