Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 17: Fearing Less

We are in the second half of the 31 days! Are you feeling a little braver?

We've really only just begun this journey. Up until this point we have focused on the roots of fear and the places where fear creeps up the most in our lives- in my life. For me dealing with fear has been the process of identifying fear and the searching my heart as to the root of those fears and living daily by the Spirit with the intention of killing those roots of fear.

The goal is to be fearless, but some days I would just settle for fearing less.

I'm a notoriously jumpy person. My husband gets a kick out of this a lot because he knows that he can scare me pretty much anytime he wants to. Fun for him, not so much for me. It seems that after 7 years of marriage I wouldn't startle quite so easy, but I've come to terms with the fact that it is a part of my makeup. I'm always going to jump out of my skin if my husband jumps out from around a corner in our house. That is why, among other reasons, you won't find me at a scary movie or in a haunted house.

I know that I'm a jumpy person and I know that I am a fearful person. You would think that after years of living under the weight of fear that I would stop being fearful, but that just isn't the way fear works.

Fear has to be faced down head on.

You can't duck fear. You can't ignore fear and hope that it goes away. You can't befriend fear.

You have to learn what triggers fear, you have to learn how to combat the things you fear, and you have to be willing to step forward even when fear is nipping at your heels. Sometimes that fear can nip hard.

The next few posts are going to be about how to practically combat fear in your heart and mind. 

Tomorrow: Day 18: Anxious for Nothing

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