Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 Days of Chasing Light

As of last night I went to bed without an idea and with no intention of doing a 31 Days series this year. We've been on the road visiting family and my sweet girl woke up this morning with a stomach bug. We took to the highway to avoid passing the sickness onto her cousins.

While driving a stretch on I-40 I was thinking about people I know currently struggling through dark days and hard grace. I was thinking about the 24 hour news cycle and all the ugly, scary awful in the world tempting us to despair. A low fog hung over my heart and the sky and I felt the pull toward the darkness.

I began to think about my own life and some dark days I've walked through recently and in the past. Corrie TenBoom's sister Betsy famously remarked from her death bed in a German concentration camp, "There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still." Her words have stayed with me and I've seen God prove them true in significant ways.

I'm beginning to be a light chaser. I'm learning when it is darkest that the light has a way of breaking through the cracks. I'm convinced that we learn to see the light by looking for it in the every day mundane. In fact God's word tells us that the light is in our hearts if we are in Christ. The same creative gift that God used to speak first light has spoken light into our hearts. It's there.
"For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
This month I want us to be light chasers together. I want to chase down the light in the darkest parts of our stories and the most boring parts of our day. If you believe that God is speaking in the everyday and Betsy's words are still true then dare to plumb the depths of the pit with me this month. 

I'll be posting each day and on the weekends I'll offer resources, books, music, help you find the light. Join me in using the hashtag #chasinglight to share via tweets, instagram pics and facebook statuses how you're pursuing the chase in your daily life.

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