Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My One Word for 2014

{I'm back a bit early from my blog break with my "One Word" for 2014!}
Two years ago I made my "One Word" for the year "Fearless". I had no idea at the time that the ramifications of that choice would stretch into every area of my life as God challenged me to lean into Him and let go of the hand of fear.

Fear had a firm grasp and after a year of "Fearless" it was still gripping my hand and pulling me along as I scraped to get away. I tried to choose another word. I wanted "Love" or "Joy" or another sunny sounding word to be my mantra for the year. Instead I found myself scrawling a new notecard with "Fearless" and pinning it over my desk.

I felt like a failure. I felt like there must be something I missed that was keeping me bound by fear.

The truth was that I had missed something. I had missed Jesus.

Photo Credit: rishibando via Compfight cc 

Two years and a heck of a fist fight with fear later and I'm  unveiling my "One Word" for 2014 over at Velvet Ashes today! Curiosity got your goat? Go on over and take a peek! 

I'll be back on tomorrow with more on what this "One Word" means for the year ahead. 

Q: Do you have "One Word" for the year? Let's hear them! 

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